lunedì 1 gennaio 2007

Windows 7 - What's going to happen there? (Work remaining)

Leave the windows Vista was a huge loud, but it seems rather Hayorsat of Vista, Windows 7, will show the world the heritage of Bill Gates.
What options future of the operating system? How much is delicious.

If Steel Hearing for Windows 7 is indeed correct, then Microsoft is the lesson " Cerat model "called Vista. Windows 7 is the code name of Microsoft's operating system,
And we shall see what is about to be small, light more than a quick-Vista.

According to rumors is based on the development of versions Shudplo, MinWin core of Windows 7 synthesis only 25 Meghaeviit on your hard drive and -40 Meghaeviit memory RAM.

Modular core capabilities include a built-in network, but will allow the graphical user interface (GUI), which means you can adjust the Microsoft operating system, even those who can not love the toys effects, and the owner of a computer for those who can not even dream about Vista (like my example).

Rules, Microsoft did not say much officially about windows 7.
Bill Gates who he had to say on Windows Digital Lifestyle Constortium held in Japan windows 7 "less consumption of electricity, use less memory, they work more efficiently and be more connected to the mobile phone".
He also added that "if you have two computers, files Isstancrno automatically, so that it will be necessary to move data back and forth between them."
The other pieces of information about Windus 7 Madlpota reach of developers at competitive intelligence is based on the type of professionals employs Microsoft development team.

New features Estimated
No one from Microsoft do not know really what it seems on the desktop operating system Windows 7 (other than this part be there Celmaetho Oodmotho of Internet Explorer 8), in part because Microsoft adds features Umhssyra really on the 90 minute of development.
However, there are some hints heavy around, and hints informationEmerges with time.

First of all, Windows 7 will be linked to built-in services such as Microsoft Live Mesh, an online service for sharing and synchronizing folders, tracking the status of friends on the network and synchronizing mobile devices.
But Live Mesh service will be available for use long before the windows 7.

Likely you find the operating system, automatic backup capabilities - Microsoft's answer to-Time Machine of the dark. You can easily infer that photographic מודלפים screen menu of the new Windows Health Center in the Control Panel.
Widget backup, Smazcir mirror the Security Center window, back up data, documents, pictures and music talks and provides indication about the success of the backup.

One of the points stressed Evshihotaiu Bill Gates about Windows 7 is Hahiebreuota with cell phones.
Gates not specified, but he hinted because it improved synchronization of files along with new forms of share applications and games.

However, he did not comment Lsiot security that may come true Evigale connection between your computer and smart phone.
The terrible thought that my going: rewarding someone Scouad behind offensive code you connect your phone via Bluetooth, and code that is made to the windows 7 running on a computer.
Cellphone viruses were not so dangerous, but improved integration with personal computers could make the cellular platform truly Lkouartzat.

The design goals
Microsoft plans to use graphical interface for an entirely new versions of Windows 7 will run on powerful computers that support Windows Vista today.
The team was responsible for designing the user interface of Office 2007 also responsible for developing the user interface of Windows 7, which means we are likely to see steady Ribbon (Ha-Ribbon) replaces the traditional structure of the menu on the toolbar.

Unlike Mhanosha interface of Office 2007, be able to stop the look and run advanced, so that users אגוניים can start using the system operating quickly, without the need for training.

In conclusion
Microsoft wants Windows 7 will slim Ouhcma (and of course beautiful) - an operating system make you stop dreamingף on OS X or Linux.
Of course, the promise should be Mmoshmsat, since we can no longer receive an operating system Manuphat Ochbdha like Vista.

Will Microsoft be able to give us the Mbuksano The next round is? No one knows.